Independent Pharmacies Grow with Outreach, New Products, & Costumes?

Ever since the once ubiquitous soda fountain vanished from most neighborhood drug stores, independent pharmacy owners have searched for ways to keep their customers coming back and otherwise drive revenue.

This is the common theme in my roundup of September local independent pharmacy news stories, and proof that in the pharmacy, innovation never rests.

Mallat’s Pharmacy & Costumes has the perfect Halloween prescription

ABC affiliate WKOW in Madison, WI reported on the growing costume business done by Mallat’s Pharmacy & Costumes.

According to the pharmacy’s website, Mallat’s was founded in 1926 and moved to its current location in 1941. No one knows exactly when costumes entered the picture, but it is believed that it all started when the store started to sell Max Factor pancake makeup in the early ‘60s.

Today, Mallatt’s has its own 3,500 s.f. costume warehouse and a website that sells costumes all over the world. Among their most high profile customers they count Disney, ESPN, and Saturday Night Live.

And while the costume business is good and growing, it’s important to note that Mallatt’s is still very much rooted in healthcare. They now have four locations, their own smartphone app (iPhone and Android), and a website that delivers both health information and reasons to switch to Mallatt’s.

With Halloween coming, Mallatt’s extending of their product offerings is a prescription for profits. Are there products in your store that are surprisingly popular and worthy of more shelf space?

Educational outreach attracts patients and gets Massachusetts pharmacy noticed

The Waltham News Tribune noted that Johnson Compounding & Wellness was hosting a free lecture on headache symptoms and prevention.

Educational events are a regularly scheduled part of Johnson’s outreach and marketing activities, which also include keeping up an active blog, serving as a blood drive location, and contributing stories to local publications. Becoming known as a good source of information has also made Johnson a “go to” source for local TV news stories.

Providing important health information has been a staple of the community pharmacy forever. What innovative ways can your pharmacy leverage something you do every day into something that gets you noticed?

Local pharmacy in the Rio Grande Valley adapts as state law restricts funds

More than 100 independent pharmacies in the Rio Grande Valley (South Texas) have closed since the state limited Medicaid reimbursements in 2012. According to this report in The Monitor, one local pharmacy has adapted by offering auxiliary medical supplies and services.

Recognizing an unmet need among the large diabetic population in the Valley, TLC Pharmacy in Mission trained staff to perform orthopedic shoe fittings. When the shoe fits, patients are happier and healthier, and they become loyal customers.

These three stories are great examples of independent pharmacies adapting and thriving in today’s market.

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