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Easily price-compare up to 125 NDCs at once & purchase directly from over 50 trusted suppliers. Each supplier on our website offers convenient payment and shipping terms. Easily access your recent orders and save your favorite products on our easy-to-use platform!
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Before we order from our primary or secondary supplier, we always check their prices against what’s available on Trxade. When the price on Trxade is lower by at least 10%, we purchase there and stock up on that item. Trxade has saved us a lot of money.
I don’t have time to talk to ten different secondary wholesalers throughout the day! Trxade makes it easy to shop prices at my convenience and creates a competitive atmosphere among secondary wholesalers which drives prices lower.
“Like any endeavor, you have to make a commitment. The data available from using their analytical tools really allows me to see around corners and prepare myself in a tough marketplace. Our commitment to Trxade has saved us time and money.”
Their system (Trxade) has really assisted me in target marketing and increasing revenue by having a real-time system that communicates to me and knows my margins before I purchase.”