Increased Membership Activity Drives New TRxADE Enhancements
Welcome to the new public website, the first of many new and coming enhancements for TRxADE members. Before diving into the particulars of those enhancements, I wanted to share with you why we are making them. Simply put, the answer is you.
TRxADE has grown from an idea to a robust online marketplace with more than 2,000 independent pharmacy members who use TRxADE to purchase, sell, and compare prices of pharmaceuticals.
As the number of transactions continues to grow by leaps and bounds, we continue to learn how to improve TRxADE by listening to your questions and comments.
Easier to use
We’ve heard you say that TRxADE should be easier to use. When we investigated how best to accomplish that objective, we discovered that we needed to further separate the public-facing website from our secure marketplace.
This new public-facing website will make it easier for members and non-members alike to engage with us on our Blog, Contact Us form, and surveys (coming soon). It also will make it easier for non-members to learn about and join TRxADE.
Now, when you come to and click the Member Login link, it will open the secure marketplace website in a new tab, enabling you to return to the public site without having to log out (as was the case with the old system).
For those of you who would like skip this site altogether and go directly to the secure marketplace, click and bookmark this link:
Easier to navigate marketplace on its way
We’ve heard you say that getting around the marketplace can be confusing. While creating this website, we’ve also been working on improvements to the marketplace site.
Soon, when you login to the marketplace, you’ll find a new navigation system that makes it easier to get around and find the tools you need.
We’re working to save you time so you can login, find what you need, logout, and get back to your business.
Best tool ever?
We’ve heard you say that you wanted to compare prices of more than one product at a time.
So, we’ve built if for you. Once beta testing is completed (by a group of select independent pharmacies), you will be able to compare prices on up to 50 products at a time.
Make sure to add to your email whitelist and keep your eyes open for announcement of this price comparison tool.
With every new day and every new technology solution, TRxADE is helping independent pharmacists take back control of their stores by creating real competition for their business.
Are you getting the most out of TRxADE?
If you are a TRxADE member who needs help optimizing your use of our game-changing marketplace, call us at 1-800-261-0281. We’re here to help you.
If you are not yet a TRxADE member, schedule a live demo or join TRxADE now. Membership is free and your information is kept in complete confidence.
Tell your independent pharmacist friends
The reason TRxADE keeps growing is because of your confidence, your input, and your sharing of the TRxADE story with your independent pharmacist friends. On this new website you will see sharing icons on every page. Use them to tell your colleagues about TRxADE.
As we grow, we become a stronger force for transparency and competition among suppliers who want your business. Together, we can make the word “independent” just as important as the word “pharmacy.”
Let’s start today.