Pharmacies Agree: Comparing Drug Prices for 50 Items at Once ROCKS!

TRxADE’s newest money-saving tool for independent pharmacies is our Order cost comparison tool. With Order, comparing drug prices of up to 50 pharmaceutical products at a time is a cinch.

Tested by independent pharmacies like yours

A select group of TRxADE members have been putting the software through its paces and their reactions have been overwhelmingly positive – so much so that we are making it available to you without any further delay.

Three easy ways for comparing drug prices

Order gives you three easy ways to compare prices:

  1. Enter up to 50 NDCs one at a time
  2. Scan up to 50 UPCs one at a time
  3. Upload an Excel spreadsheet with up to 50 items all at once

For each item, your search results will present a list of matching products from our select group of suppliers. The lowest priced item will be listed first. To see more offerings from other suppliers, simply click the [+] symbol to the left of the words, “NDC Match.”

Compare “apples to apples”

The detail of each item will allow you to compare “apples to apples” by presenting the NDC, Product Name, Strength, Package Size, Expiration Date, Manufacturer, Supplier, PAC (Pharmacy Acquisition Price), Unit Price, and Savings (based on PAC price).

Filter out suppliers you don’t like

If there are certain suppliers you’d rather now deal with, click on the Filter Sources button above your search results and uncheck those suppliers whose offers you don’t want to see.

Start using Order now

  1. Login to TRxADE.
  2. Hover over “Purchase Products” and click “ Orders.”
  3. Click either the “NDC/UPC Entry” button or “Choose File” button (to upload an Excel spreadsheet).

From that point, you’ll find the directions on the page are easy to follow. And while the look of the page may change to make using Orders even easier, the functionality is all there and working.

Please share your experience

After you’ve used Orders, please return to this blog and tell us about your experience. Your input will help us make TRxADE better and will tell other independent pharmacies what to expect.