You Spoke, We Listened Now Save Even More Money in Even Less Time

You Spoke, We Listened: Now Save Even More Money in Even Less Time

I don’t usually write about TRxADE improvements here on the blog, leaving them instead for emails and Tech Tips, but these changes are significant, and they are live now.

Last week, in response to input from members, TRxADE upgraded its marketplace functionality in order to:

  1. Improve your user experience
  2. Help members find what they’re looking for faster
  3. Streamline communications between independent pharmacy members and suppliers

More Robust and Time-Saving Search is Live Now

Searching in the “All Products” tab is simpler and more inclusive than ever.

Where there used to be one entry field for “Product Name” and another for “NDC,” there is now one field in which you may enter an NDC or product name. Enter-NDC-or-Product-Name7b7c
You can enter the strength right in the single entry field; e.g. Gaba 100 to search for Gabapentin 100MG.

If you want your search to be NDC Specific, just check the box marked “NDC Specific” located to the right of the entry field. You also can limit your search by filling in the optional fields for “Strength,” “Pack Size,” and/or “Max Price.”

If you’d prefer to see related products, leave the “NDC Specific” box unchecked. As you enter information into the field, a list of options will automatically drop down below the field. related-products7b7c
Select one of the related options and click either the “Search” button or use the “Enter” key on your keyboard.

Your search result will show related products from suppliers competing for your business. Search-resuls7b7c
To test these new searches, login here.

If You Are Searching by NDC

If you are in the “All Products” tab and want to search more than one product by NDC, clicking the “click here to search up to 50 products at one time” button … Search-up-t-50-products-at-one-time7b7c … will now open a pop-up window that allows you to do just that. multi-product-search7b7c Enter the NDC manually or scan in the UPC. As you enter one code, another row will appear to enable the next search. You can search up to 50 products at a time using this tool.

New Advanced Search

The new Advanced Search is accessible by clicking the orange button under the “All Products” tab. At first glance, Advanced Search will look like the old search tool, but there are two big improvements. advanced-search7b7c 1)      The “Product Name” entry field has been changed to “Product Name or Active Ingredient” to reflect our newest search tool: search for active ingredient.

2)       The “Strength” field now automatically translates the strength you enter to include the same strength that may have been expressed differently by the supplier. If you enter 1000 MCG, you will get results that are listed at strength 1000 MCG, and also 1 MG.   Or, enter 1 MG, and get results listed as 1000MCG also. See how these upgrades save you time and money by making searches faster and more complete.

Important “Bug” Fix Streamlines Communications with Suppliers

We heard from members that they were experiencing a problem while using TRxADE to communicate with suppliers. The problem has been identified and repaired.

Thank you for telling us about this problem. It should be working fine now, but if you experience a problem be sure to tell us. If you’re a TRxADE member, thanks to these upgrades you should immediately see a reduction in the time it takes to compare products while simultaneously having more options to compare. In short, you’ll spend less time and save more money.

And if these changes are too difficult for you to take in from this post (I know, there’s a lot), call our FREE Support line at 1-800-261-0281 and a Member Assistance Team representative will be glad to show you how the new search functions work. If you are not yet a TRxADE member, this blog post should give you an idea of just how seriously we treat our members’ feedback. Job #1 for TRxADE is to help independent pharmacies thrive in these difficult times.

We are confident that these changes will help our members save even more money, and in even less time.