
Drug Pricing Reform

18 Senators Ask Trump to Help Lawmakers Bring Down Drug Pricing

Senators to Trump: Make Prescription Drug Pricing Reform a Priority

In a letter dated December 20, 2016, Senators Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Al Franken (D-MN) asked President-elect Trump to help lawmakers bring down prescription drug prices. The letter was co-signed by 18 other senators, including Bernie Sanders (D-VT) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).

The letter to President-Elect Trump begins, “During your campaign, you promised to implement bold reforms to bring down the cost of prescription drugs. In fact, you acknowledged that ‘Congress will need the courage to step away from the special interests and do what is right for America’.” The letter goes on the say that Trump supported allowing consumers’ access to imported, safe, and dependable drugs from overseas and vowed to negotiate lower prescription drug prices for seniors.

The letter also states that drug companies often engage in abusive tactics that price lifesaving drugs out of reach for those in need. The Senators tell Trump that it is time to enact policies that improve transparency and competition in the commercial market and make the government a smarter purchaser of prescription drugs. (Hey, Trxade advocates for transparency, competition, and smarter pharma purchases, too!)

The letter continues with the following five administrative and legislative actions (the letter details each one) that Trump can take in partnership with both parties in Congress:
1. Give the Secretary of HHS the authority to negotiate drug prices
2. Increase transparency
3. Stop abusive pricing
4. Protect and incentivize true innovation
5. Ensure true competition

The letter concludes by asking Trump to prioritize prescription drug pricing reform while in office.

Click here to read the full letter, complete with the Senators’ signatures:

PDF Download Letter Link: Senator Letter to Trump

Letter to President Elect Donald J. Trump

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