RxGuru Pharmaceuticals Price Search Tool

Trxade member pharmacies love RxGuru because it helps them find the best prices in the least amount of time.

What is RxGuru?

  • RxGuru is an Rx Price Search Tool where you can quickly search products on Trxade.com without having to log in the platform, see NDC Specific results sorted by lowest price, see national PAC price (what the average secondary wholesaler pricing is), and see similar products including other pack sizes, and other manufacturers to show you the lowest price possible per unit (per pill).

You can now search, price compare, and add to cart all from the Search Tool!

  • See the lowest price for an NDC or search by Product Name and Manufacturer (select from drop-down list)
  • See similar products and analyze other options available (pack size, MFR)
  • See Suppliers you can buy from today, no supplier applications needed
  • Add to Cart directly from your Desktop
  • Search history resets every night, start fresh every day and price compare
  • View your Trxade Shopping Cart in real time
  • Log in to RxGuru and it auto logs you into Trxade.com

Introducing: HIPAA Compliant Auto Search Feature and Notifications (You must enable this feature)

  • RxGuru has an Auto Search Feature with on-screen text recognition for NDCs
  • See the price you should be paying (PAC) and the lowest price available to you on the Platform
  • HIPAA: The search tool does not capture any patient information or pricing data from PO’s or Buying Systems
  • NDC on-screen matches can be easily viewed in your search history for a direct match to your Pharmacy’s needs

Help is a phone call away

Whenever you need help using Trxade, simply call the Membership Assistance Team at 1-800-805-8705.

Like a Trxade membership, RxGuru is free. Put RxGuru to work for you. Schedule a live demo or join Trxade today.