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We Believe Independent Pharmacies Should Thrive

Read testimonials from your peers below…

“Trxade’s customer service is always very helpful. Once we got the hang of it, using Trxade has been very easy. Before we order from our primary or secondary supplier, we always check their prices against what’s available on Trxade. When the price on Trxade is lower by at least 10%, we purchase there and stock up on that item. Trxade has saved us a lot of money.”

Larry KPharmacist/Owner, Mapleshade, NJ

“We have been using TRxADE for approximately six months. We knew with the price of generic drugs rising faster than reimbursement, there must be another source for purchasing inventory. That is how we discovered TRxADE . Having access to multiple wholesalers via one website is a tremendous time saver. I am confident we are getting the best prices. TRxADE has allowed us to stay ahead of the curve.”

WilliamPharmacist/Owner, Kenmore, NY

“With third party reimbursement at an all-time low, we have to be careful about what we are dispensing and where we buy it from. I don’t have time to talk to ten different secondary wholesalers throughout the day! Trxade makes it easy to shop prices at my convenience and creates a competitive atmosphere among secondary wholesalers which drives prices lower. Now I don’t have to take a dozen phone calls a day from reps. I know I’m getting the best price the market has to offer!”

Joe APharmacist/Owner, Wellsville, OH

“Trxade has quick order times and prompt & professional responses from their Member Support Team. It took us just a few hours to learn how to utilize the system and evaluate pricing. We knew that we were purchasing the lowest priced product from almost all possible sources when utilizing their real-time, web-based system.”

Larry GPharmacist/Owner, Dallas, TX

“We consider ourselves savvy inventory managers, Trxade most definitely helps with our efforts. Stay the course fellow independents! It is worth the time to log on and compare on Trxade! Refuse to swallow the primary distributor’s pill of price deception.”

Brett LPharmacist/Owner, Madison, NE

“Just a note to let you know that the Pharmacy to Pharmacy program has worked well for us. This was a great idea that chains use every day to move unwanted monies from their inventory. Wish I had thought of this idea for independent stores!!!”

Mark WPharmacist/Owner, Paducah, KY